
What do our clients and customers say about us?


Eve Fletcher
"I recently attended a four week (an hour per week) self-defence class at Macclesfield Leisure centre, which was run by Clare and sponsored by Cheshire Police.

It was a great course, very informative and lots of fun and I now feel more confident when out and about. Lets hope that more courses will be arranged, as I feel sure that people would be interested in attending such courses. Well done to all those involved"

Kathie T
"The course was fantastic and really helpful. I would like more of these sessions. It was great to meet you and thank you for teaching these techniques. Having this knowledge really does make me feel a bit safer when out alone"

Rachel Geary
"I really enjoyed the self defence sessions and do now feel more confident about protecting myself from an attacker. If you you do a refresher course in the future I would be very interested in attending"

Tricia H
"Thank you for the course it was really good. You made a serious topic enjoyable and hopefully we will have more. I would definitely look to take this further and attend more sessions in the future"